Friday, 30 December 2016

12 Ways to Burn Fat in Four Weeks

Burning fat and getting lean muscular body is a dream of every fitness lover which can easily be achieved using best fat burner uk in few weeks. There are countless diet plans, supplements and exercises to get rid of excessive body fat. But most of them are just waste of time as they don’t burn any fat and helps to lose weight. Here are twelve proved ways to burn extra body fat quickly and enjoy lean hard body.

1.    Water

Drinking proper amount of water is one of the most effective and cheapest ways to burn some fat. Drinking water before and in-between meals promotes metabolism in the body and also removes harmful toxins from the body. Don’t let your body dehydrate as it often results in hunger. Two or three liter water is an ideal water amount recommended by health experts to burn fat.

2.    Eat Your Calories

Don’t drink calories except health smoothies. Don’t get fooled by sodas, diet sodas or flavored juices. Eat more fruits when possible because their extra fiber keeps you feel fullers and prevents over-eating.

3.    User Smaller Plates

Always use smaller plates with bigger fork and spoon. Send message to your brain that you are eating more food. It is a psychological trick to prevent you from eating more food.

4.    Veggies first

Put veggies in your plate first while eating. Fill half plate with veggies as they contain more fiber, mineral and keep stomach full for long time.

5.    Spice it up

Spicy foods are effective to fool taste buds as they satisfy the more with smaller amounts. Spicy foods also boost up body metabolism to burn more fat.

6.    Say no to Fat Diets

Fat diets are the prime reason for which our body gain more fat. Majority of food items labeled with “fat free” are actually not free from fat and so are the diet drinks. Eliminate every single fat food from your diet. Try to eat natural and healthy. Clean eating can be very effective in living healthy life and also burning fat.

7.    Love Yourself

Loving yourself is the best way to keep you motivated. Either you are skinny or fat; you need to love yourself first. It’s not a magic that will fix all your problems. Neither are you gaining or losing weight over night.

8.    Change your life

There is no magic to lose weight. The only way is to burn more calories than you consume consistently. You have to change your life forever, not only for two or three weeks. Eating healthy food means living healthy life.

9.    Eat Natural

Natural foods are the best friends of our health. Use more fruits as snacks to get more fiber, minerals and vitamins. Eat more veggies instead of red meat or junk foods. Eating natural means you are one a right health track. Natural foods don’t increase your weight but rather helps you to burn excess body fat by boosting metabolism level.

10.      Stay Active

Morning walk is the best medicine for innumerable diseases. Take a walk for at-least half an hour daily to keep your body active. Cycling and swimming are other two physical activities which you can perform three days a week for burning fat. Use stairs rather than lift etc which is advised by Cardiologists for healthy heart.

11.     Sleep well

Sleep is an essential part of life. People with less sleep are more exposed to diseases like weight gain. Sleeplessness boosts your hunger which directly results in over eating. A quality sleep consists of seven to nine hours without any disturbance. Choose a dark room free from sounds with comfortable mattress and pillow.

12.     Be Consistent

It is said that consistency is the key to success and so as here. Be consistent with your exercise, diet, supplementation and other routine.

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