Tuesday, 16 February 2016

3 Natural Ways to Increase Your Height

Height is an important aspect of the personality of an individual. Height improvement is much easier with growth factor plus that has been derived from pure natural ingredients. Small height wouldn’t undermine your abilities but will hide you in tall individuals. Beside low confidence, there are much more difficulties that small height people have to face in their life. However, there are few ways to increase height naturally along with overall health. 20% of our body height naturally depends on diet, activities and environment.

1.    Proper Sleep

Human body grows and repairs the damaged tissues in rest. Proper sleep is very important for the body growth. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is naturally produced in our body during sound sleep. Growing children should take 8 to 11 hours sleep every night to reach the maximum height. Environment plays significant role for sleep, so always sleep where neither noise nor light can disturb you. Here are few useful tips to get quality sleep.
  •     Take a bath of seasonal water before going to bed to improve the quality of sleep.
  •     Chamomile tea is natural caffeine free and helps to induce sleep.

2.    Yoga

Yoga is very effective for height improvement. Yoga not only increases your height but relives from mental stress. Certain Yoga poses effectively promotes the production of growth hormone in the body. Stretching and balancing exercises strengthens body muscles and also stimulate the posture of the body. Triangle pose (trikonasana), mountain pose (tadasana), cobra pose (bhujangaasana), tree pose (Vriksasana), pleasant pose (sukhasana) are few useful yoga poses for height improvement.

3.    Regular Exercise and Sports

The best way to gain height naturally is by being physically active and fit. Regular exercise and participating in sports activities are two best ways to enhance your height. Physical activity needs healthy nutrients and by increasing intake, you are going to gain height benefits.

Sports such as cricket, football, aerobics, swimming, basketball and other stretching exercises are nice for body growth. Body muscles improves growth prospect through cleansing and detoxifying the body by sweating.

Swimming is a handsome way to increase your height. 2 hours of routine swimming for 3-4 days a week can help in height improvement. Breast stroke is a special for height increasing. Simple stretches for 15 minutes per day is highly recommend. Some effective stretches are car stretch, cobra stretch, and bow down, twists, basic leg stretches, the bridge and super stretch.

Hanging exercises are also beneficial for height problems. It may be tough at the beginning but slowly your body will accept it. Hang with the bar and stretch for at-least 10 seconds. Repeat 8-10 sets of the hanging for 2 minutes every day.